Well, that’s a first. It seems I’ve been “tagged” by Kate at The Hairy Eyeball to provide “six unimportant facts/quirks/habits about myself” (only six?). It’s one of those Internet things. But I do appreciate her thinking of me. So here goes:

1. I have a collection of over 250 pieces of apocalyptic fiction.

2. I was the 1993 Class B United States Chess Co-Champion.

3. I worked as a part-time intern in the New Jersey Legislature in the mid-1970s, and never had to enter a witness protection program.

4. My favorite music is Gregorian and Byzantine chant.

5. I missed getting into the Ph.D program at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill back in 1986 by a 3-2 vote of the admissions committee, mostly because I was too up front about my desire to use the degree to help prepare future pastors by teaching church history in a Christian seminary–and I’m still bitter about it. 🙂

6. I have no known quirks except blogging.

Now, Kate went on to list six bloggers, including me, whom she “tagged,” so I reckon I need to do the same. Those would be:

Toby Brown, the Classical Presbyterian

Benjamin Glaser, the Backwoods Presbyterian

Will Spotts, the Recovering Presbyterian

Bill Crawford, the Bayou Christian (who is also a Presbyterian)

Chris Larimer, the Greek Deacon (who is not Eastern Orthodox but Presbyterian)

Viola Larson of Naming His Grace (ditto)