Moderator Bruce Reyes-Chow of the PCUSA has appointed members of a special committee that is charged with preparing a study of “Israel/Palestine.” According to the Presbyterian News Service:

The membership of two General Assembly special committees have been released, bringing the total of special committees named by the Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, moderator of the 218th General Assembly (2008 ) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)  to three this week.

The 218th General Assembly (2008 ) also asked the Moderators of the 218th, 217th, and 216th General Assemblies (2008 ), (2006), and (2004) to “select a nine-member committee from a broad spectrum of viewpoints from PC(USA) members to prepare a comprehensive study, with recommendations, that is focused on Israel/Palestine within the complex context of the Middle East.

The Assembly said the study “should include an evaluation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s mission and relationships, including an assessment of the future for the Christian presence and witness in the Middle East; an overview of the complex interactions among religions, cultures, and peoples that characterize the region; an analysis of U.S. policies that impact the area; and steps to be taken with our partners in the Middle East and the United States to foster justice, improve interfaith relations, and nurture the building of peace toward a secure and viable future for all.”

Now, one would think that “broad spectrum of viewpoints” would mean that it would include strong supporters of both Israel and the Palestinians, as well as folks with more moderate positions. The make-up of the committee suggests otherwise:

Minister members are the Revs. Susan R. Andrews (Hudson River Presbytery), John Huffman (Los Ranchos Presbytery), Rebecca Reyes (New Hope Presbytery), Marthame Sanders (Greater Atlanta Presbytery), Ronald L. Shive (Salem Presbytery), and John W. Wimberly, Jr. (National Capital Presbytery).

Elders serving on the panel are Frederic W. Bush (Los Ranchos Presbytery), Nahida H. Gordon (Muskingum Valley Presbytery), and Lucy Janjigian (Palisades Presbytery).

Staffing the committee will be the Rev. Christian Iosso, coordinator of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy; the Rev. Victor Makari, coordinator for the Middle East, Asia Minor and the Jinishian Memorial Program for the General Assembly Council; Elder Doug Dicks, a PC(USA) mission co-worker in Israel Palestine; and the Rev. Kerry Clements, director of  Communication, Development, and Technology for the  Office of the General Assembly.

I hadn’t heard of a lot of these people before seeing this article, so I’ve been Googling this morning to see what I could find on them. Needless to say, I was not surprised by the results:

Susan Andrews is a former PCUSA Moderator. She was a strong advocate of the ill-fated Israel divestment policy passed by the 2004 General Assembly, and tried to maintain that the 2006 repudiation of that policy was actually a reaffirmation of it.

John Huffman, an evangelical, nevertheless supported the General Assembly’s actions in calling for divestment from Israel back in 2004. Shortly after the passage of that action, he told his congregation, “I must speak up clearly, though briefly, to support the stand of our denomination in regard to the Middle East.” He justified this by saying that “Considerations of divestiture of Presbyterian investment in companies contributing to this violence is not exclusively directed toward Israel, but a policy also suggested to be used in a number of the other troubled areas of the world,” a statement which was either dishonest or the height of naivete.

Marthame Sanders is a former missionary to the region. He has referred to Israel as a “militaristic, unjust and racist nation,” and considers the Jewish state to be a practitioner of “apartheid.” He, of course, is also a strong supporter of divestment.

Ronald Shive was an opponent of an overture at the 2008 GA that called for the PCUSA to be “non-partisan” in the issue, to not take sides, and supported a one-sided approach embodied in this overture.

Frederic Bush is a Fuller Seminary emeritus professor. He has long been an anti-Israel campaigner, and has connections both to the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and the anti-Semitic Jerusalem-based Sabeel Center.

Nahida Gordon is a professor of bioethics at Case Western Reserve University. She has accused Israel of seeking to ethnically cleanse itself of Arabs.

Lucy Janjigian has thanked Jimmy Carter publicly for his book calling Israel an apartheid state.

I couldn’t find any information about Rebecca Reyes.

So, near as I can tell, John Wimberly will be the only member, or possibly only one of two members, of this nine-member committee (which will also be staffed almost exclusively by PCUSA personnel who have made careers out of bashing Israel) who is not firmly and unequivocally identified with just one side in the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, or supported PCUSA in its efforts to carry out the one-sided action of divestment. That, apparently, is how they define “broad” in the PCUSA.