In what had to be a response to the exposure by me and Viola Larson of their links to anti-Semites, whoever manages the PCUSA’s Israel Palestine Mission Network Facebook page grew quite circumspect in recent weeks. He or more likely she stopped linking to garbage like Veterans Today, instead taking many links from legitimate news organizations such as the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. Unfortunately, old habits die hard. This morning, IPMN got a couple of whoppers up.

First, there’s the Free Palestine Movement. Proudly endorsed by a collection of moonbats and anti-Semites including Cynthia McKinney, Noam Chomsky, Cindy Sheehan, Franklin Lamb of Veterans Today, the mainline church supported U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and Australians for Palestine, the FPM is dedicated to the proposition that the creation of Israel stole Palestine from its rightful owners, and that Israel, if it should exist at all, should have no enforceable borders. On one of its pages it features this graphic

which is both inaccurate and meaningless unless the point is to claim that Israel shouldn’t exist. They also explicitly support the right of return, which would have the effect of making Israel a Palestinian state from which, if history is any guide, Jews would soon be expelled. They’ve also made the fallacious and essentially anti-Semitic equation of Israel and Nazi Germany.

Then there’s the link to the Facebook page “Christians United for Peace.” I don’t think this is an organization of any kind, since it says on the info page that it was started by a “former Christian Zionist.” The IPMN’s Darlene Justice, however, thought enough of this page to link to it on the network’s page with a plea, “please help us grow!”

“Christians United for Peace” seems to be anything but. Within the last 24 hours, it linked to a four-part video from YouTube that is beyond a shadow of a doubt anti-Semitic if that term has any meaning at all. Here it–see for yourself:

I guess that’s the kind of stuff the IPMN wants Presbyterians to consider in formulating their opinions on the Middle East.

UPDATE: Chalk up another one for the good guys. I don’t know when it happened, but sometime in the last seven hours after this post the “Christians United for Peace” page was altered to remove the links to the above videos. Not that it matters–we still know what the person or persons behind this page are about. Especially since Viola has pointed out to me that this page also linked to the loathsome Strait Gate Ministries, run by Hamas supporter Charles Carlson. Strait Gate runs a bookstore that offers such titles as:

Facts are Facts by Benjamin Freedman espousing the discredited and anti-Semitic “Khazar hypothesis” (i.e., most moderns Jews aren’t connected to the ancient Jewish people);

The Nameless War by notorious British anti-Semite and Holocaust denier A.H.M. Ramsay, who claimed that World War II was the result of a Jewish/Communist conspiracy;

The Zionist Factor by one-time Rhodesian politician and apartheid supporter/Holocaust denier Ivor Benson, and many, many more!